Hilton Hotels & Resorts® Coupons, Discounts and Hilton HHonors Offers

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When it’s time for a getaway, Hilton offers unique travel packages and hotel discounts. Click on the REDEEM COUPON NOW button below and Search our latest hotel special offers by location, date of travel, package type or by what interests you.
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Save up to 20% off our Best Available Rate by booking with Hilton in advance. Click on the REDEEM NOW button to book your reservation.
Plan ahead and save. Include Hilton in your plans and you can save up to 20% off our Best Available Rate* by booking with us in advance. With properties in some of the world's most desirable destinations, you can be sure to explore and see all the sights.
Please make your reservation at least seven days prior to arrival. See site for terms and conditions.
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Get a vacation deal your whole family will enjoy.
Wake up to breakfast for the family and internet access when you Click on the REDEEM COUPON NOW button below and book the Family Fun Package at any participating hotel or resort in the Hilton Portfolio throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, Latin America, and Caribbean. And now, you can also enjoy the Family Fun Package at many of our locations throughout Europe, the Middle East, and Africa where you'll enjoy the same benefits - plus late checkout on the weekends.
Start each morning of your trip with a big breakfast, and after the day's adventures are done, take advantage of your internet access to share photos with friends at home or plan your next trip.
*Includes Premium Wi-Fi where available globally, primarily in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Latin America and Caribbean. Standard Wi-Fi is provided where Premium Wi-Fi is not available. See site for details.
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Receive Special Rates at Participating Hotels. Click on the REDEEM NOW button below and Select AAA Rate at Checkout. Bring your AAA card and photo ID to hotel and AAA discount will be applied to qualifying reservations. See site for details or read information below.
The Hilton Worldwide portfolio of hotels welcomes AAA and international club members by offering AAA discount rates at participating hotels (subject to availability). You can get more from your trip while taking advantage of AAA rates, plus only Hilton HHonors™ lets you earn both hotel points and airline miles for the same stay at any of our more than 3,900 hotels in 91 countries worldwide.
Do all hotels participate with AAA?
No. Not all hotels and countries participate in AAA, but you may still use the portal to search for general availability.
Do I need to bring my AAA card to the hotel?
Yes. You will need to bring your AAA Auto Club membership card as well as a photo ID.
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Enjoy 10% off leisure stays for active & retired military and their families. Click on the REDEEM NOW button below and enter: code “MFR” or “PGMFR1” at checkout.
We know your time off is valuable, and that’s why we want to help you enjoy it. We’re offering exclusive savings of 10% off leisure stays for active & retired military and their families at participating hotels and resorts. So relax, unwind and put your feet up — you’ve earned it.
Offer subject to availability at participating hotels in the Hilton HHonors portfolio within the Americas. Valid only for Guests with valid U.S. or Canadian Military ID, including active duty, reserve, and retired service members and their spouses and families. Rate valid for leisure stays only and not official government or Military travel. Must present your current and valid Military identification card at check-in. See site for details and terms and conditions.
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Enjoy Double Points, Breakfast, Internet access and late checkout. Click on the REDEEM NOW button below and enter: "HPWE1/HW1" at checkout.
Get up and go for a weekend adventure and make the most of your time away when you book the Weekend Getaway Package at Hilton. Earn Double Points and take advantage of Internet access, continental breakfast, and late checkout—you’ll be sure to get back rested and refreshed.
Offer is valid for stays at participating properties in the Hilton portfolio and is subject to availability. Offer requires a Thursday, Friday or Saturday arrival and a four (4)-night maximum length of stay. Plan Code "HPWE1/HW1" or "HW4" at Embassy Suites Hotels™.
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$50 daily credit per nights at Hilton Hotels & Resorts. Use your on-property credit for dining, shopping, relaxing, and more! Click on the REDEEM NOW button below for offer details - no coupon required.
Give yourself the getaway you deserve. Book the Leisure Escapes package and receive a $50 daily credit (£50 in the UK, €50 in Europe*) for every night of your stay. Use your on-property credit for dining, shopping, relaxing, and more. Now is the perfect time to give yourself a getaway that gives back.
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AARP members save up to 10% off in thousands of destinations. Catch a flight to explore a new city or take a weekend road trip you won't forget.